World Channels will be fused so Horde and Alliance players can now talk together. You can still obviously chose to enter mercenary mode if needed ! PvP still remains Horde vs Alliance as the system doesn't easily allow for a change. You can now group in raids and dungeons with people from both factions, meaning it will be easier and faster to gather the needed amount of characters ! This also applies to LFG filtering. That doesn't mean you have to invite everyone, but at least now you can ! Guilds can now contain players from both factions. That way we get the best of 2 worlds: reducing the faction balancing problems and staying blizzlike ! Ever since Battle for Azeroth some of you have been voicing their concern about faction balancing, and the fact that as an Alliance player it was quite difficult to find progress guilds or people to group with.įor 9.2.5 Blizzard announced that they would finally enable cross-faction despite the war between Horde and Alliance being a central element in WoW's lore: this is something we've done on all of our older expansions here at Firestorm for quite a while, and we thus figured we could anticipate a bit and enable it on Oribos on Monday February 21st.